What Others Say about Nourish & Flourishing Coaching

If Susan has helped you improve your health, hop over to the contact page and send your testimonial.

Alternatively, you can write your kind words on the Facebook page

Susan is one of those rare people who not only wants to help others but does so with grace and compassion.

I wasn’t sure how to go about making some necessary changes for my health’s sake. I approached Susan out of the blue and she not only answered all my questions in ways I could understand but she kept cheering me on and encouraging me along the way. That was such an important part of the coaching process for me.

Susan draws from an incredible well of knowledge about health, habits and well being. I am so grateful for all the tips she has shared with me and the explanations which have helped empower me so I can make the best choices possible.

I also really appreciated Susan being so down to earth. I never felt intimidated or that my questions were too silly. That really gave me the confidence to keep on my journey.

The phone consult was VERY helpful too as were all the templates to print out. I’m not sure how I would have gotten back into THM had it not been for Susan coaching me through. Thank you so much for all your help Susan!

~ Lusi

1:1 Coaching

Susan has such a passion for health and nutrition that it is just part of who she is! She is a wealth of knowledge, and has a kind and caring approach to assisting with lifestyle or dietary changes. Completely recommended.
~ Penny

Group Coaching

Working through the 3 day cycle with Susan really helped a newbie like me, learn more about THM plan.

~ Gay-Lea

Group Coaching

Susan is a wealth of knowledge and is so encouraging on my healthy eating journey. She answered my simplistic questions promptly, and without making me feel incompetent!

Thanks so much Susan!

~ Sharon

Group Coaching

I appreciate your knowledge and understanding not just of THM but of food, health and well-being in general. You explain things in a clear, relaxed manner.
~ Judy

Group Coaching

I can’t recommend Susan highly enough! Her wisdom, guidance and encouragement have been invaluable.


~ Carolyn

Group Coaching

I would just like to give a real big shout out to Susan Priolo regarding her coaching around health and food. I engaged with Susan late last year and have really benefited from her advice, encouragement and challenges. I’ll admit my husband and I have taken advantage of this covid season and eaten at home. We use to eat out a lot.

The things I’ve learnt from Susan are these.
1. Learn to recognize the macro and micro nutrients my body needs. My husband began learning for himself as well which is a breakthrough. Have taken supplements where indicated.
2. We try to eat one salad a day.
3. We’ve included a lot more vegies by using soups etc. which is great in the cold weather.
4. Try to drink 3 lit per day helped my metabolism keep ticking. I still need to work on this one.
5. Figure out my serving size. I use a smaller plate and fill it. 
6. THE CHALLENGE… I keep a basic food diary. It’s kept me honest and I could reflect and see where I was slipping.
7. A huge benefit I’ve experience is changing my attitude and relationship too food. All whole food is GOOD food and I’m beginning to even enjoy my own cooking!!!! This is huge as I’m not a foodie or a great cook. It got me out of a rut.

I’m so grateful for Susan’s guidance and challenges. Now bear in mind so far this year I’ve been incredibly inactive due to osteo-arthritis and been in hospital and came home on crutches. I chose carefully my menu in hospital and maintained my weight and I didn’t feel deprived. Just had a weekend celebrating a birthday. But was able to default back to good food after indulging big time…. only put on 100gms!!!!

I’m enjoying every mouthful whether ‘on plan’ or ‘off plan’, but loving the sense of well being as I continue on this journey. I’ve lost around 11kg since end February 2020.

This is a food plan that works for ME!
Our bodies are so individual.

~ Fran

1:1 Coaching

Everyone who loves taking care of their body & health needs a life coach to motivate them during those off days. Susan is THAT Coach. She’s well educated & very knowledgeable in all areas of food/health nutrition. Always my biggest motivator & loudest cheer squad! I don’t think I’d be taking care of my body, or inner being without the help & guidance & ‘makes sense’ advice of this genuine Life Coach.

~ Lina

Susan is great and supportive with all of her advice. She has been amazing in helping me on my journey to true health. I am so blessed by all of her knowledge. 💕

~ Katie

Susan is very knowledgeable about the THM plan. You will be blessed if you can get her for your coach. She’s an official admin to our THM groups and she’s my friend and helper.

~THM Admin & Coach

~ Magaly

I have learnt so much over the past couple of months from you & also the group. What I’ve learnt is truly life- changing, so grateful, thank you. I love the depth of information you provide & your down-to-earth approach to eating & Trim Healthy Mama, to keep it real, but at the same time absolutely inspire each of us to shoot for the stars & do our best. I feel I’ve learnt a great deal to help with overall health & immunity & the side benefit of losing weight. Very encouraging & it’s fun to learn from each other as well.

~Group Coaching

~ Melinda

Susan has been such a blessing to the Trim Healthy community. She is extremely knowledgeable about all things THM, including tweaks for those who are overseas and may be dealing with ingredient availability. I highly recommend her to you – she’ll do an amazing job as your coach!

~THM Admin & Coach

~ Lisa

Being a part of this group has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, I felt supported and encouraged by Susan and the others in the group. No question was too silly for Susan and was always answered quickly and with great wisdom. Being a part of this group has challenged me to be also not only nourish my body with good food but also to nourish my body with good sleep and good thoughts. I have been blessed to be a part of Susan’s group and I would encourage anyone to sign up for any groups that she has running in the future you will not regret it.

~Group Coaching

~ Corrie-Lyn

I really appreciated how you were understanding when we failed in eating off plan & I didn’t feel judged or conditioned or forced to keep going like other diet coaches push.

Instead you are real but honest & fed me all the nutritional facts I needed. Thank you!

~Group Coaching

~ Lina

Thank you Susan, for the gentle way you ran this study group. I found it encouraging, educational and challenging in areas I needed a challenge.

~Group Book Study Member

~ Fran

I equip & empower women of all ages & stages to reach their best health, lose weight and feed their family in a way that is affordable, sensible and delicious.

Let’s work together!

As a nutrition Coach I help women to be the best version of themselves without depriving themselves of delicious. I teach women how to eat healthy food in a way that is yummy, budget conscious, family-friendly and health promoting and finding/maintaining a healthy weight with a practical, effective and sustainable approach to nutrition.

I can’t wait to get started in helping you with your health journey. Reach out to day and let’s get started!

I am based in Brisbane, QLD and my timezone is UTC +10 AEST Australian Eastern Standard Time so please consider that when awaiting a response, if you are in a different timezone.

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