One Small Step Towards Better Health
Our words are powerful. Our words help to frame our sense of empowerment and control. Did you know that the words we use, the phrases we speak (our inner talk) create a feedback loop in the brain that impacts our future actions?
Every time we say, “I can’t have that” we are creating a feedback loop that reminds us of our limitations. It’s a negative thought pattern that implies that we are forcing ourselves to do something that we really don’t want to do. “Saying “I can’t” is a restriction being imposed upon you.
Contrast that with… “I don’t”.
“I don’t” as in “I don’t eat crisps”. This simple phrase is empowering as it implies that we have control over the situation. This sets up a more positive feedback loop in the brain that helps us to change our habits. Saying “I don’t” implies it is our choice.
Be empowered ladies! Take back control.
A small yet simple change in language leads to a change in mindset. It’s true! Try it this week!