Out of sight, out of mind


Out of sight, out of mind!

A small, simple but effective tip!

Store all the healthy food in glass or clear containers. Store all the less-than-optimally healthy food in coloured containers that aren’t see through.

We’re more likely then to reach for the healthy food because it is in front of our eyes, it is easily accessible whereas we have to forage more for the other foods.

We don’t just eat food for fuel. We often eat for comfort… we are emotional beings. 😏 Our mind can determine what it wants based upon what our eyes see. By putting healthy food in prominent places I’m much more likely to desire it and eat it!

For more simple tips and hacks, follow me on social media!

Susan sig
I equip & empower women of all ages & stages to reach their best health, lose weight and feed their family in a way that is affordable, sensible and delicious.

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