~What if I can’t cook well?
~What if I go off plan?
~What if I have ten children and am time challenged?
~What if I have ten children and a husband that won’t eat diet food?
~What if I can’t get special ingredients?
I get it. I’ve probably asked those same questions. Usually when it has meant me starting a new diet. But I’m not talking about a diet. I’m talking about eating healthy in a way that allows your body to find its comfortable weight and strive for optimal health.
You will never be perfect with your eating or exercise or anything else so let’s all just accept that right now, eh? Forget perfection and focus on progress. I don’t eat perfect all the time – nope! But I eat so much better now than what I did 5, 10 and 20 years ago!
Start where you are.
Use what you have.
Do what you can.
Contact me if you need to learn how to eat in a way that works towards optimal health and weight in a safe, reliable and healthy way.