NSV: Feeling Full & Satiated

NSV: Feeling Full & Satiated

Satisfied & Full

Non Scale Victory: Feeling Full & Satiated

Non Scale Victories are little signs of progress that cannot be measured by the bathroom scale. We need to acknowledge our NSV’s as progress and celebrate them as they are a milestone on the journey towards our goals. Rather than using a scale which only indicates one unit of measurement look out for the series of NSV posts which I’ll write over the next few weeks.

I coach my clients to eat more food, not less. Sometimes I hear messages such as this, “Wow, I’m eating so much food, I finally now what it feels like to be satiated“.  I LOVE hearing this! Ample protein, healthy fats and smart carbohydrates are very nutrient dense and filling. My clients are never hungry after meals.

As we digest our food, the gut sends signals to the brain about how much energy we’ve consumed which triggers satiation (the feeling of fullness) so we know when we’ve had enough. However, eating non-nutritive food is easy to stuff into our mouth, causing craving for more yet not satisfying our true needs. These non-nutritive foods are those foods which are more highly processed and energy dense (higher in calories yet lower in nutrients). They usually contain a combination of intense salty/sweet/fatty/crunchy/creamy tastes and it excites our brain and sends the message to keep eating to store enough energy for weeks! This is a wonderful, natural system that works well in times of famine.  Problem is, these foods are everywhere and we are not in a time of famine. So we are left with almost no nutrition and no satiation yet a whole lot of calories and other less-than-stellar ingredients.

You’re eating slowly. You’re choosing fresh, whole foods. By filling up on these foods you naturally have less room in your diet for processed foods. You are choosing fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, beans, and legumes which are nourishing you, helping you feel satisfied. You are feeling nourished. You are feeling full and satisfied. Your gut is happy and your brain is calm. Ahhh…

This is an early sign of progress, that you’re on the right track even though you haven’t lost any weight on the scale yet. And this is all fine as the bathroom scale rarely marks the milestones along your path to a trimmer, healthier body.

Our bodies are marvellously complex. Our body undergoes changes that are often hard to see and track. We feel and function differently even if we can’t fully describe what is going on with these changes – we just know that it is positive, albeit it, subtle. It is these Non Scale Victories (NSV’s) that help us to persevere through the tough times.

Take Action

  • Write these NSV’s down – everything counts regardless of how small you think they are.
  • Share with your coach, loved ones or supportive friends – celebrate the little wins!
you've got this
One Small Step Towards Better Health

One Small Step Towards Better Health

mindset change image


One Small Step Towards Better Health

Our words are powerful. Our words help to frame our sense of empowerment and control. Did you know that the words we use, the phrases we speak (our inner talk) create a feedback loop in the brain that impacts our future actions?

Every time we say, “I can’t have that” we are creating a feedback loop that reminds us of our limitations. It’s a negative thought pattern that implies that we are forcing ourselves to do something that we really don’t want to do. “Saying “I can’t” is a restriction being imposed upon you.

Contrast that with… “I don’t”.

“I don’t” as in “I don’t eat crisps”. This simple phrase is empowering as it implies that we have control over the situation. This sets up a more positive feedback loop in the brain that helps us to change our habits. Saying “I don’t” implies it is our choice.

Be empowered ladies! Take back control.

A small yet simple change in language leads to a change in mindset. It’s true! Try it this week!

Bloom into Spring with Healthy Habits

Bloom into Spring with Healthy Habits

Spring is nearly here! Can you smell it, feel it, breathe it in? Oh, I just love Spring! But you know what always comes around at this time of year (aside from hayfever & allergies)? Ads, promotions, articles all touting the same nonsense telling you to ‘spring clean’, lose weight, get the bikini body in just 4 weeks, shred, tone up, get lean, detox, cleanse, blah, blah, blah. The whole clean/purge/diet/lose weight/detox mentality drives me nuts.

Let me share with you a better way!

  • You don’t need to gulp down detox smoothies that make you gag.
  • You don’t need to beat yourself up with exercise.
  • You don’t need a plan that tells you how and what to eat for 2 weeks of the year.
  • You don’t need to take courses on will power or self control.
  • You don’t need to ‘cleanse’. Your body is a beautifully designed machine that cleans, filters, digests, absorbs and heals if we just feed it nutrient dense foods. This does not mean sculling green gunk or limiting ourselves to 2 shakes and 1 real meal a day.


My motto: Nourish, not punish your way to goal weight and health!


Winter can be a time of beautiful, nourishing broths, soups, casseroles and lovely carb-fuelled meals in abundance as we eat legumes, beans, grains, etc. I seem to eat more carb-fuelled meals in the colder weather. But the warmer months do start to signal the desire for salads and drinks – that is a different mentality to purging/cleansing/detoxing.

I get it. We all want to look good in our summer clothes. Or maybe you just want to fit into your lovely spring dress. I’m there too! But deprivation and punishment is not the answer! Simply make better choices each time you eat. And when you eat regularly you have a chance to make good choices often.

Regardless of where you are or what you’re doing this season, you can make better choices. Your body will love you for it. Choose the best foods you can at any given time.

  • Separate the fuels (carbohydrates and fats)
  • Eat protein with every meal
  • Eat every 3-4 hours
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
  • Quality and quantity sleep
  • Build a lifestyle that reduces the effects of stress
  • Eat more fruit and veggies
  • Move your body more
  • Practice gratitude
  • Laugh and play more

Start with the very next meal. No point in bingeing for the whole day – that’s not the healthy way! Having said that, even a day or two of eating less-than-healthy foods isn’t going to completely derail you so let’s lose that mindset. You only have to wait 3 hours until your reset. Now that’s good news!

Make your next meal a satisfying meal of quality protein, non-starchy veggies and enough healthy fats to satiate you. Even on those days when you know your eating will be less-than-stellar, start the day right by eating a healthy breakfast: Fried eggs and non-starchy veg in butter or coconut oil is an excellent start. This will empty excess sugars out of your body. Protein with large salads and olive oil as your dressing is the way to go. Have plenty of veggies and fruit washed and ready in the fridge. Have your healthy drinks ready. We’re looking to nourish, not punish.

If you feel bloated and yuck and think the answer is to starve or fast, think again! That is the Indulge – Purge – Punish mentality. It is a dieting mindset and we aren’t dieters. Indulge, Purge & Punish is not food freedom, rather legalism and bondage. Plan to say no to that mentality before the holiday season even starts. Quality protein and veggies with just enough carbohydrate or fat to make it yummy is the way back to getting on plan and good health.


Remember, ‘prior preparation and planning prevents poor performance’. Think Nourish, not Punish. Spend the next few weeks building up and strengthening your body and its systems… for a strong healthy body will naturally eliminate the gunk.


Nourish not Punish. Progress over Perfection.

Bloom with healthy habits

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