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Learn to Love Greens
The importance of eating green leaves and a simple way to do it.
Cooking with the Crock-Pot Express
The Crock-Pot Express Multi Cooker is an multi-functional, electric pressure cooker which produces delicious food with a minimum of fuss and effort.
Tip: Read the book!
Read the book. You will not take it all in at one go, but it will explain all things THM.
Pressure Cooker Bone Broth
There is more than enough information and recipes on the Internet and books about making a good bone broth so why should I add one more? I've put off writing this out as it is so simple and I honestly thought that no one would be interested but I've several requests...
15+ Foods That I Always Have On Hand
The 15 foods I make sure I never run out of – these are my staples that allow me to eat healthy food even when I don’t have a lot of food prepped or made in advance. There is always something easy to eat. If I have it in the house, I will eat it – this goes both ways, for healthy, nutrients dense food or food that isn’t so healthy.
Cruciferous Veggies
Tips for getting the most nutrients from your cruciferous veggies – more bang for your buck! Easy, quick tips from Nourish and Flourish Coaching.
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
Which Book Is Best?
Which Book is best? The Original THM book, The Trim Healthy Mama Plan, the Trim Healthy Cookbook or Trim Healthy Table – which one is right for you? Where does one start? I get it. You’re time challenged, budget conscious, dislike reading or whatever else. Not everyone wants or needs to know the science behind the plan nor do they want to read all the chatty-Cathy banter. This post will help you decide which book is the best fit for you.
THM Health Tip using Bone Broth
Health tip for getting the best bang for buck with collagen and bone broth and another tip for getting a good night’s sleep.
Bloom into Spring with Healthy Habits
Spring is nearly here! Can you smell it, feel it, breathe it in? Oh, I just love Spring! But you know what always comes around at this time of year (aside from hayfever & allergies)? Ads, promotions, articles all touting the same nonsense telling you to ‘spring clean’ lose weight, get the bikini body in just 4 weeks, shred, tone up, get lean, detox, cleanse, blah, blah, blah. The whole clean/purge/diet/lose weight/detox mentality drives me nuts.
THM Hack for QuirkyJo’s Coconut Lemon Chicken Soup
Bisque up Quirky Jo’s Chicken, Lemon & Coconut Soup – Serene-style.
THM… Finding Your Way
The THM sisters/authors often encourage us to do THM our way. What does that mean?
Hack for Golden Chana Soup (E)
A THM hack for the Golden Chana Soup (E).